I want to be able to push a button, or turn a knob, or look through a looking glass or something that will allow me to break the shackles of time and transport myself to a time that was but is no longer.
I love old abandoned places. Places that were but aren't any more.
On our return trip from Southern Utah and Canyonlands we once again got off of the beaten trail and visited the town of Cisco, Utah.
There is not much left there. Too many years, too many thieves, too many vandals I suppose but nevertheless one of those places where a time machine would have been such a great thing to have at my disposal. I'd love to be able to take a look at the 'goings-on' when there was something going on here.
Just a few miles off of the interstate between Moab Utah and Canyonlands on our return trip to Denver sits the abandoned town of Cisco, Utah. Once a thriving town whose industry was mining is now nothing more than a memory and a few scattered artifacts from a time long past.
It can be a little frightening to wander through an abandoned town like this. Even though you have nothing but good intentions you never know who is going to happen by. Especially so many miles from anywhere.......
While Pamela and I were wandering around town this big husky dude drove up and started talking to her..... She hightailed it back to the truck! I was several yards away behind some buildings and had no idea the guy was even there. Boy she was pissed at me when I came back around to where she was. I guess it could have been a little problematic but as it turns out he was a deputy sheriff just checking on us. Lots of people have done a lot of damage to this place and he was just trying to make sure we weren't doing the same.
I better stick a little closer to her from now on when we are exploring these old ghost towns.
It's obvious this was a hard working truck in its time. It's also obvious it was a tow truck of some sort. Too bad it can't talk. Now it just sits there and provides winter shelter for prairie animals. You have to admit though that there is a certain beauty that this old truck still exhibits.
I'm reasonably sure that in its prime this old bus served as a school bus for taking kids back and forth to school somewhere. Not any more. Now it is full of old artifacts from years gone by: cupboards, a refrigerator, countless household items and who knows what else.
Wasn't this once considered a 'muscle car'?
Do you think these dolls were forgotten? I wonder what little girl might have forgotten to take them and if she misses them.....
I wonder if the dolls get lonesome and cry at night when it gets dark.....
How many little ones had to endure getting their ears cleaned by mommy at this little sink.
Cisco even had a post office once.
Pamela loved this place. You'll find a book she put together with some of her photos, thoughts and impressions at Exploring Cisco.
If you're interested there are more photos of Cisco Utah at: Cisco Utah
PLEASE EVERYONE! If you happen upon these wonderful old abandoned relics of the American past enjoy them, admire them but PLEASE don't vandalize and take anything away from them. Old places like this should be considered nothing less than a grave. Please respect them and the relics that exist there as though they were the resting place of your grandmother.
If you enjoy old ghost towns here's another one you might want to take a look at. We ran into this one in South Dakota a couple years back: A ghost town in South Dakota
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