Getting together with the Zukiworld group was real convenient for me. They planned their first outing to be a ride over Tin Cup Pass on Monday morning. It was decided to meet at the Taylor Park Trading post. Right where we were staying. Nice! Most of them had to drive in from Gunnison and other places in the vicinity to where we were staying.
By the time we left there were nine vehicles if I counted correctly. Three Samurais, a couple Trackers, at least one Sidekick and at least one Vitara. Everyone introduced themselves and we were off. Someday I have to figure out how to remember someone's name for more than a minute. The only one I remember now is John. He was the organizer and the leader. That's his white Samurai with the red stripe and safari top.
Jered ended up riding with me. I had asked the group prior to getting together if it would be OK if he, Jaime and the girls tagged along in their Jeep but I was informed this ride was supposed to be Suzuki only so the answer was no. Pamela decided the day before the ride that it might be a little rough so she, Jaime and the girls stayed at camp for the day.
Our first stop was at Mirror Lake just outside of Tin Cup. Jered spent quite a bit of time checking out the modifications that had been made on some of the Samurais. I was excited to hear him tell me all of the things he wanted to do to mine to bring it up to trail tough and a little less stock. It doesn't bother me in the least that he is excited to help me do some modifications. He has the expertise, the tools and the facilities. I don't.
We were almost at the top of the pass when we had to stop to wait for one of the Sidekicks that had broken an axle and couldn't make the last couple miles. The driver ended up abandoning it to return later and retrieve it.
The Sammi, being pretty much totally stock except for the new oversized tires, did real well. I have to admit it was struggling a little. We were pretty close to the limit of its capabilities. Although I only bottomed out once on the trail a couple inches of lift and some lower gears would have made a world of difference. That little engine has to be wound up pretty tight and the clutch has to be played with a little too much the way it is now with no power train modifications. I reached a couple of spots where the clutch was getting a little sloppy from being worked so much.
She did real well though. Kept up with the big boys like a champ. I know though that I still need the couple inches of lift and the lower gears. Maybe by next year. Nothing will stop me once that's done.
We left the group when we reached St. Elmo. The girls little Polaris RZR wasn't running right and Jered wanted to swing by Buena Vista to grab a couple new jets for it.
The Zukiworld group was talking about a couple of alternatives for the next days ride but I didn't hear any final decisions by the time Jered and I had to leave. The cell towers weren't working back at the RV park so there were no phone calls or internet access so I didn't hear their final decision and was unable to join them any more during the week. That was OK though. I wanted to spend time with the kids and besides some of these outfits were pretty tricked out so I might have either destroyed the Sammi trying or held everyone else back as they went along on their other trails that week.
Maybe I'll have it a little more tricked out by next summer so I will feel better about it.
Thanks for letting me join you guys Zukiworld!