Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 3, 2013, headed out for Taylor Park, Colorado

Every year for the last several we have been joining my daughter and her family in Taylor Park, Colorado where we camp, 4 wheel  and play in the mountains.  This year was no different. 

Since our property is mountainous we don't have any place to park Big Sam (our RV) so we store that at a friends place in Watkins, sixty miles east of here.  Any time we want to work on it or take it anywhere we have to pack up our belongings and drive east 60 miles just to get to it.  This trip was no different.  It seems that every time we head out in it we are going west so inevitably we add another one hundred twenty miles to all of our trips simply because we go east to pick up Big Sam and then pass our home in it as we head back west.

The Sammi and Rosebud all packed up ready to head to the RV.
It's very odd if you think about it.  We live west of metropolitan Denver in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.  We are in the forest with a brook running through our front yard and a mountain for our back yard.  An absolutely beautiful place to call home but we still love to get away to the mountains. 

Here's a perfect example of just how odd it might seem.  I pulled the camera out to take the photos above of Rosebud and the Samurai all packed up.  When she turned to give me the requested smile she said "Look" and pointed behind me.  This good looking buck was less than 20 feet behind me standing in our raspberry patch right next to the house having breakfast.

He's been hanging around the house for a couple weeks now but usually hangs with a smaller buddy.  Not sure where his friend is this morning.
Hopefully by the time the snow flies we'll be able to take a trip east to Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.  Some place different.  We've been talking about taking a road trip to the heartland for years but just haven't done it.

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