Friday, August 9, 2013

July 24, 2013 - Eric and Evelyn's place. Heaven on earth

Eric and Evelyn, my nephew and his wife, live very close to where the cabin is.

Pam and I haven't seen their place in years.  The last time we were there they were just building it.  They had picked themselves up a pretty sizable piece of property in Vernal and wanted to set their roots down. 

We were invited to dinner there one night of the reunion stay so we stopped by to take a look.

I'm very impressed with what they have done.

Over the years they have located old buildings that aren't being used anymore and they are getting permission from the property owner to tear them down so they can reuse the aged lumber to create buildings at their place.  It's a win-win thing I suppose, someone doesn't want an old structure so they get free labor to get rid of it and then Eric and Evelyn reuse the lumber.

I simply had to share what they have done.  Quite an amazing place they have built for themselves. 

This is one of the buildings Eric and Evelyn tore got from a local farmer.  They torn it down where it was standing and put it back together right here.  I'm not sure if it is in it's original shape and size but it sure is a cool building.

This is Tom!
A family pet.

Evelyn told us she purchased this truck just so they could park it in the yard as an ornament.
I love it!
How wonderful is that!

 Eric is a bee keeper.  We sure look forward to receiving our fresh supply every Christmas
 I can't speak for the tractor but I would bet they purchased this just to let it hang out in the yard and look cool.  I know they did that with the truck.  Kind of a yard ornament.  Neat I think!

A regular piece of heaven on earth.

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