Saturday, August 4, 2012

May, June 2011 Getting her going

The first several weeks after purchasing the Sammi were spent cleaning her up and getting her running right.
The transfer case was stuck in neutral when I picked her up but that was a quick fix. The previous owner had replaced a bushing but failed to put things back together correctly.
I guess the previous owner was also a  stickler for fuel economy. He had jetted down the carburetor to the point where it got no fuel at all. Once I got that right and threw a few tune up parts and filters at it she purred like a kitten.
The oil pan gasket was a bit of a pain  but the struggle was worth it. Prior to changing the gasket it would mark its spot wherever it sat for more than five minutes.
So all and all for less than about $250 she was running good and then another $200 or so for a new soft top and she was ready to go.
In retrospect I shouldn't have gone for the least expensive soft top though. I should have sprung for a little more expensive one because the one I purchased doesn't fit quite right and is a beast to get on and off. In order to stretch it to the point where it will snap in place I have to lay it  out in direct sunlight for an hour or so.

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